Monday, November 23, 2009

Teen Motheres

Teen pregnancy is an important issue. There are health risks for the baby and children born to teenage mothers are more likely to suffer health, social, and emotional problems. Women who become pregnant during their teens have an increased risk for complications, such as premature labor and socioeconomic consequences as well.

Pregnant teens can have many different emotional reactions:

  • some may not want their babies

  • some may want them for idealized and unrealistic ways

  • others may view the creation of a child as an achievement and not recognize the serious responsibilities

  • some may keep a child to please another family member

  • some may want a baby to have someone to love, but not recognize the amount of care the baby needs

  • depression is also common among pregnant teens

  • many do not anticipate that their adorable baby can also be demanding and sometimes irritating

  • some become overwhelmed by guilt, anxiety, and fears about the future

  • depression is also common among pregnant teens


  1. Jenna! Yours is very good (: the layout is good and the topic is interesting, something people don't usually think of.

  2. You have a very interesting blog! nice job(:
    I did a project on tean mothers and was actually surprised by a lot of the information. But i shouldnt be shocked, it's the life today.. But anyways, good job on your blog, it was very interesting(:!

  3. interesting blog.
    i think the in U.S. the main problem is that parents are over protective with girls especially, but with teenagers in general, and oppressive, so when they have occasion to do things like drinking or having sex, they do also if then they have to drive (about drinking) or if they aren`t safe (sex), because the have very few occasion to do normal teenager stuff.

  4. The blog is great, lots of info.

    I think some teenagers have sex because there parents don't want them to and the want to be daring.

  5. I like the topic you chose. Your totally right about the facts that when teens have children they becomed annoyed with how needy they are and then starts treating the kid bad. If your going to have sex with someone be smart about it and use protection. If you do end up getting pregnant do whats right if you are not going to be able to take care of the baby the way it needs then put the baby up for adoption so then the baby can be taken into a safe and good loving home.

  6. I totally agree with Katy and Riccardo on this one. Teenagers in our day are faced in a whirling hurricane of choices, and a lot of these choices can have a pretty sizable effect on our lives in the near and far-off future. One of these choices is the one to have sex at a young age, specifically when one is still in high school or college and is not married. A baby is both a miracle and a giant thorn in the side at the same time. On one hand, a teenage mother has just performed a miracle by giving birth to a potentially healthy baby. On the other hand, a baby has specific requirements, needs, and wants. Babies can cry all night and must be fed at specific intervals and need special attention.

  7. I like the discussion. If people need support, there are ways to get it. Here is some place local.
    Alden Pregancy and Information Center, Inc.

    Located at :
    13179 Broadway
    Alden NY14004


  8. I found your blog very interesting. In todays world things are getting so hard that you find perople killing themself or getting themself into things they shouldnt. One of the biggest problems of today is the US is in such a hurry to make kids grow up to and be smarter than other countrys, we are growing up to fast in most cases. Teens can't talk to their parents most of the time because than thay will probly get so scared of what they here and is going on they freak. I don't think being a teen mother is good in in most cases because than you are fourced to grow up way faster than u already have to and you won't be able to do everything you wanted to do. When you think about it though in the olden days it was common to get married and have kids at 16 bacuase thats when you were considered an adult than. I feel you should wait untill your out of high school. When your a teenager (GIRL) in todays world if people don;t want to see teen mothers than adults need to make an effert to relize the world of today. If we don't feel like we have anybody to go to or trust than there is going to be a chance of teen pregnacy. Back than and even now teens struggle to be everything everbody wants us to be. I'm not saying sex should be consideredfine before marrige but teens are going to have sex rather people know or not if the parents know insted of freaking out talk to them and get them on some form of birthcontrol.

  9. wow, this blog is like a really big eye opener. it kinda shows you even more how likely it is for you to get pregnant. even if it is only your first time having sex, it can happen. its actually scarry to think of having a baby right now! good job(:

  10. I really enjoyed reading your blog. It had alot of interesting details.

  11. I like your blog, its very interesting.

  12. i really like your blog i think its very important that people know about this cause it is very serious for teens goood job :)

  13. I agree with Katy, i think it starts off as a type of rebellion and just escalates.

  14. this is a very serious problem for all parts of the world and seems to be growing if only there was a definate solution to it

  15. I liked your blog. It was very intersting.
